CSU Systemwide Scholarships

By completing this application, you are apply for the CSU Systemwide Scholarships listed below.

Details on each scholarship criteria may be found on the CSU Foundation page, https://www.calstate.edu/impact-of-the-csu/support-the-csu/foundation/Pages/csu-scholarships.aspx. Be sure to read the questions carefully as there are specific questions required for certain scholarships.
Scholarship amounts varies for each opportunity. If selected, you may be asked to provide a “thank you” letter to be submitted.

  1. Fly Fishers Club of Orange County Richard Fanning Marine Studies Scholarship Fund
  2. Stephen Y. Ho Memorial Scholarship
  3. Richard K Leffingwell Scholarship
  4. Robert M. O’Dell Endowed Scholarship in Public Administration
  5. Real Estate Scholarship and Internship Grant
  6. Wilson C. Riles Education Scholarship
  7. Dale M. Schoettler Scholarship for Visually Impaired Students *pending foundation application
  8. Robert D. & Dorothy W. Talty Endowed Scholarship

