American Assoc. of University Women-Chico Branch Future Teacher Scholarship

*The members of AAUW wish to support a student who: *

  • Enrolled in Credential program and plans to teach subjects in science, math, or technology
    Eligible Single Subject credentials include: Biology, Chemistry, Geoscience, Foundational Level Math, Mathematics, Physics, Foundational Level Science.
  • Has a min GPA 3.0 or higher
  • Has financial need

*Preference: *

  • First Generation student
  • Student who faces challenges in completing their credential, such as caring for dependents.
  • Member of AAUW (when campus chapter is active)
  • Student who graduated from a high school in Butte County, CA

If applicants are equally eligible, preference is for the student with the greatest financial need.

If there are no eligible applicants completing the previously listed credentials, applicants who meet all criteria and are completing a single subject credential is Health Science or a multi-subject credential may be eligible.

The American Association of University Women advances equity for Women and girls through advocacy, education, research, and philanthropy. AAUW was founded in 1881 and is headquartered in Washington, D.C. The local Chico Branch AAUW was founded in 1920. In addition to supporting future teachers, the Chico Branch AAUW supports the Tech Trek Program, an all-scholarship, all volunteer, science and math camp program for local girls entering the 8th grade – designed to increase the number of women in STEM careers.

It is the hope of the AAUW that the recipient of this scholarship will attend one of their events throughout their award year.

